A -II Litter
2023-10-19 19 months

2022-09-07 5 months
With their 5 months, the dogs are in the middle of puberty, but are developing splendidly! We get consistently positive feedback from the new dog owners.
Arik and Alma are trained with us. They learn quickly and show great enthusiasm for their work!
2022-06-14 Week 12
The puppies will be led in the future in northern and southern Germany, Austria and Croatia,
Arik and Alma stay with us for training.
We wish the dog handlers a lot of joy and success in their training.
2022-05-18 Day 61
The litter is now 2 months old. Today was the litter inspection and it was confirmed that the A-II puppy is a very balanced litter.
This news makes us happy and proud at the same time. We have attached the acceptance report as an image. 7 have a very good beard, two have a good beard. All of them have a lot of protruding hair on their hangings. When it comes to hair, we have 4 medium-length and 5 short-haired. We also have the same relationship with the hardness of the hair (5x hard, 4x medium hard), whereby the distribution is not congruent with that of the hair length.
The first three puppies will leave us on Friday, three more will leave next week, we will keep one female.
So we are still looking for an owner for a male and a female!
2022-05-11 Day 54
The weather is sunny and warm, a good day for bathing. The puppies are doing just fine!
2022-05-09 Day 52
This morning we went to the vet to pick up the first vaccination and to take the blood database.
2022-05-04 Day 47
Today, Wednesday, the puppies were able to show how they "work"/play on the stimulation rod.
2022-04-26 Day 39
Morning mood in the A-II litter...
2022-04-23 Day 36
The puppies are now 5 weeks old.
2022-04-21 Day 34
When feeding. Day 22, Day 30, Day 34....they grow and grow...
2022-04-15 Day 28
Today we present our A-II puppies. The pictures are from 04/14/22. It starts with Akka. Then comes Alma.
The ladies Amsel and Anni follow.
Now 2 of the 3 males from the litter introduce themselves. Arik is the first, followed by Arko.
It continues with Arla and Aura.
The end of the round of introductions is made by the 3rd male Arthur.
2022-04-13 Day 26
It's spring and nature is unfolding! So, do our puppies.
In addition to eating, sucking, and sleeping, biting games, squabbling with the littermates (and our children :-)) and general exploration tours on the meadow are now on the agenda. The puppies are getting active, some are already starting to use their noses to find their mother who has gone out of sight and they all find their own way back to the sleeping box when they've had enough.
Yessi is almost always there to see what's going on (when she's not taking a break in the office), checks it out and is there when it's time to vacuum again. Everything with her usual balanced calm.
2022-04-11 Day 24
It's finally nice and warm and sunny today. Perfect for the first visit to the fresh green. Uncle Xaiko and half-sister Zwusel are also part of the party. The dogs are clearly enjoying the sun and the puppies are already exploring!
2022-04-05 Day 18
The puppies grow and become more and more agile, the adventurous ones already go for first trips outside of their box.
After a little scurrying around they take their first nap as if nothing had happened.
2022-03-18 Day 1
After 12 hours all of the 9 little Ostetalers had arrived.
In the night to March 18th 2022, a healthy new litter dropped without complications. This is our A II litter from Yessi vom Ostetal ZB.No.: 233364, served Captain II vom Schaar ZB-No.:240662.
Souvereignly and with unerring instinct, Yessi delivered 9 healthy, strong puppies (3 male, 6 female, all color brsch.).
We are very happy,
The Große family